Which lens is best for product photography?
Advice, Equipment Tiffany Chen Advice, Equipment Tiffany Chen

Which Lens is Best for Product Photography?

Lenses are single-handedly the most important piece of gear that will make or break your photos.

You can work with a ten year old camera and have to shoot in a incredibly low light situation. However, if your lens of choice is not optimal, you won’t get the photo you are looking for.

With that being said, I would argue you can quite literally use any camera at all for product photography, but I would advise you to be very selective about your lens choice. My biggest piece of advice when it comes to investing in camera gear is to save your money for the lens, and to forego the kit lens for something more specific to your interests.

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   how to create nighttime photography in studio
Skincare, Photoshoots, Advice Tiffany Chen Skincare, Photoshoots, Advice Tiffany Chen

How to Create Nighttime Photography in Studio

For Forest Rhapsody’s new release of their Nocturnal Trilogy night cream, I was tasked with creating a series of dark moody nature scenes showcasing their product. The main focus was to make it look like all of the images were taken during nighttime or twilight, as the product is meant for overnight use.

Staying true to Forest Rhapsody’s branding and vision for these images, I chose to style the settings with various nature elements and narrow down the use of florals to vivid and rich hues of blues and purples only to complement the ingredients and nighttime color palette.

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How to Plan a Model Lifestyle Shoot

For the first photoshoot I ever did with skincare brand Pinkslip Beauty, we worked with 2 models on location showcasing their clay mask products.

There were so many different details and logistics to take care of when planning this project. From talent casting to location scouting, preparing wardrobe and props, and planning all 12 shots in just under 2 hours, this was a whirlwind of a photoshoot! And here’s all it all came together.

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   Which camera to use for product photography?
Equipment, Advice Tiffany Chen Equipment, Advice Tiffany Chen

What is the Best Camera for Product Photography?

While I would argue you don’t need top of the line equipment to get started in product photography or even to start a business, your gear is still a crucial factor in your photography experience. With so many options on the market, it can trigger decision paralysis if you haven’t done the proper research into what would work best for your needs.

So in today’s blog post, I’ve highlighted which cameras I keep hearing other product photographers rave about, the camera I started off with, and the camera I personally use right now (and love).

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